Saturday, January 7, 2012

Obama: The Anti-Captialist

Obama’s dream for America is the demise of all things associated with capitalism.

What many people don’t know is that Barack Obama Sr. was born in a colony of the British Empire. He was jailed for six months in 1949 by the ‘occupying’ British due to his role in the independence movement of Kenya.

For a more in depth understanding of the British colonization of Africa, read:

The anti-colonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. is accepted and espoused by his son, the President of the United States. [In fact, Obama Sr.'s article in the East African Journal in 1965 on socialism shares many parallels with his son's ideology.] From a very early age and throughout his formative years, young Obama learned to see America as a global force of domination and destruction. He came to view America’s military as an instrument of neocolonial occupation.

In the book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, written by Dinesh D'Souza

Learn that Obama’s motivation is inherited rage. This book reveals Obama for who he really is: a man driven by the anti-colonial ideology of his father and the first American president to actually seek to reduce America's strength, influence, and standard of living.

Learn why his economic policies are actually designed to make America poorer compared to the rest of the world, why he will welcome a nuclear Iran, why he sees America as a rogue nation—worse than North Korea. The real reason he banished a bust of Winston Churchill from the White House, why he ordered NASA to praise the scientific contributions of Muslims, and why he would like to make America’s superpower status a thing of the past.
~ From the book inside flap

This book should be required reading before being permitted to vote for President.

~ A book reviewer

To read more or purchase this book, click on the following link:

The nexus between anti-colonial ideology and Marxism/Socialism: Anti-Imperialism.

Anti-imperialism, strictly speaking, is a term that may be applied to a movement opposed to any form of colonialism or imperialism.

Che Guevara’s message to the Tricontinental in the Spring of 1967 states that

We must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism — and it must be defeated in a world confrontation. The strategic end of this struggle should be the destruction of imperialism. Our share, the responsibility of the exploited and underdeveloped of the world is to eliminate the foundations of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from where they extract capitals, raw materials, technicians and cheap labor, and to which they export new capitals — instruments of domination — arms and all kinds of articles; thus submerging us in an absolute dependence.

[Guevara, commonly known as el Che or simply Che, was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and a major figure of the Cuban Revolution.]

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a Russian Marxist revolutionary and communist politician who led the October Revolution of 1917, defined imperialism as "the highest stage of capitalism.” Lenin's theory of imperialism has since been adopted by a majority of Marxists, and the term "anti-imperialism" is today most commonly used by Marxists and those with closely similar ideas (anti-capitalism).

As the application of the term “imperialism” has expanded, its meaning has shifted along five distinct but often parallel axes: the moral, the economic, the systemic, the cultural, and the temporal. Those changes reflect - among other shifts - a growing unease with the fact of power, specifically, Western power.

War is generally seen as a method of furthering imperialist interests, which is why Marxists generally see antimilitarism and opposition to 'capitalist wars' as an integral part of anti-imperialism. The relationship of Marxists and other radical left-wing groups with anti-war movements often involves them trying to convince other activists to turn pacifism into anti-imperialism; that is, to move from a general opposition to war towards a condemnation of the economic system that is seen as driving wars (or from pacifism to specific anti-imperialist antimilitarism).

~ Richard Koebner and Helmut Schmidt, Imperialism: The Story and Significance of a Political Word, 1840-1960

The relationship among capitalism, aristocracy, and imperialism has long been debated among historians and political theorists. But it is clear that Obama thinks all things associated with capitalism are deplorable and intolerable.                                                                                                                 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Should Religious Beliefs Stand in the Way of LGBT Rights?

Hillary Clinton stated, "Religious beliefs are standing in the way of protecting human rights of LGBT people." Well, Hillary, pardon us as Christians for not being more sensitive to sodomites; and, not promoting nor establishing legal and social protections.

Hillary, as a Christian, I use God’s Word as a guide in my daily life and decision-making; therefore, I looked and looked in God’s Word for Sodomite rights, and found only one... eternal death.

But since you apparently don’t believe in God’s Word, let me add a few quotes from Presidents that you as Democrats often reference in bolstering your party's position on issues:

President Abraham Lincoln declared; “The only assurance of our nation’s safety is to lay our foundation in morality and religion.”

President Theodore Roosevelt said: “Every thinking man, when he thinks, realizes that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and intertwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally, I do not mean figuratively, but literally impossible for us to figure what the loss would be if these teachings were removed. We would lose all the standards by which we now judge both public and private morals; all the standards toward which we, with more or less resolution, strive to raise ourselves.”

President Franklin Roosevelt, speaking to the nation at Christmas over national radio declared: “‘Peace on earth, good will toward men...’ - democracy must cling to that message. For it is my deep conviction that democracy cannot live without that true religion which gives a nation a sense of justice and moral purpose.”

Obviously, these Presidents believed in morality and religion.

While today's Democrat Party certainly has no corner on sin, the immorality of the Democratic program and platform has become an affront to the expressed laws of heaven itself. This is because the base of the Democrat party has been hijacked by deviant interest groups which promote ungodly agendas. Because of this, the Democrat party has become the preferred vehicle for promoting both tax-funded abortions and the sodomization of our society.

We cannot forsake our nation’s moral moorings if we are to survive. Moral clarity, moral conviction, and moral courage is the only path that will lead to a bright and God-blessed future for America and its children.

We must call for, pray for, and work for the rise of genuine moral leadership in both parties. For Democrats this will mean a revolution within the party; for Republicans, it will require a renewed resolve and dedication to uncompromised moral conservatism in the face of establishment elitism.

Where Sodom once stood there is now the Dead Sea. Nothing grows there. Do not harbor the hope that God will overlook this immoral wickedness that is being accepted and legalized in America. We could fall as suddenly as Sodom did!

For supplementary reading:
Romans 1:24-27
Leviticus 18:22
Deuteronomy 22:5
Luke 12:2-3
Luke 13:3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is President Obama running as a Socialist candidate in 2012?

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, is slamming the country again. This time the way that Capitalism and American principles (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) have never worked.

Speaking in Osawatomie, Kansas (on Tuesday, December 6, 2011), where in 1910 an off-the-rails Teddy Roosevelt laid out a new socialist-inspired dream for America he entitled the “New Nationalism,” Obama had a few choice words for Capitalism and our American principles.

In his speech, Obama went for the gusto in class warfare rhetoric characterizing anyone that makes a few dollars as the evil rich that refuse to be “fair” to the poor. Obama told his audience that Capitalism doesn’t work and never did.

This is profound that an American President would state that Capitalism doesn’t work. Capitalism undergirds our Founding Fathers’ concept of an America economic system. The Founding Fathers rejected the model of a European Socialism economic system – rejecting the oppression of the past.

Comparative Economics 101: As background to the President’s statement, let’s look at what economic systems are available in the world. There are three basic economic systems in the world: Capitalism, Socialism, and Mixed.

Capitalism and Socialism are on the opposite ends of the continuum. Mixed economic systems are in the middle of the continuum.  Mixed economic systems are usually associated with developing nations. Developing nations in sub-Saharan Africa and former Communist countries in Eastern Europe are examples of developing economies. Mixed economies include both capitalist and socialist economic policies, and seek to balance a wide range of political and economic views. It is a balancing act until a stable economic system is formed.

Looking at the two primary economic systems of Capitalism and Socialism, we observe that Capitalism is a market system. Socialism is a planned system.

In a market economy, national and state governments play a minor role. Instead, consumers and their buying decisions drive the economy. Market economies aim to reduce or eliminate subsidies for a particular industry, the pre-determination of prices for different commodities, and the amount of regulation controlling different industrial sectors.

The absence of central planning is one of the major features of this economic system. Market decisions are mainly dominated by supply and demand. The role of the government in a market economy is to simply make sure that the market is stable enough to carry out its economic activities properly.

A planned economy is also sometimes called a command economy. The most important aspect of this type of economy is that all major decisions related to the production, distribution, commodity and service prices, are all made by the government. The planned economy is government directed, and market forces have very little say in such an economy. This type of economy lacks the kind of flexibility that is present a market economy, and because of this, the planned economy reacts slower to changes in consumer needs and fluctuating patterns of supply and demand.

Therefore, are we to presume from President Obama’s remark that “Capitalism doesn’t work” that he prefers a Socialism economic system – a government-planned economic system? What a total contrast to America’s founding principles. So, I ponder, is President Obama running as a Socialist candidate in 2012?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Greed... the root of evil

[An article written by Dorothy Valcarcel entitled, Watch Out!, from the newsletter, Daily Inspirations. Ms. Valcarcel is the author of When A Woman Meets Jesus, now available wherever books are sold, and on the internet at,, or by calling toll-free, 1-800-Christian.]

I thought this article so apropos for what we are witnessing in America now.

Watch Out!

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” ~ Luke 12: 15, New International Version

It was a fertile land – Laish, a northern most settlement in Israel. Near the foot of Mt. Hermon in the vicinity near the headwaters of the Jordan River. Isolated from trouble, the people in this city apparently felt so secure they didn’t build high walls to defend themselves. In security and safety, contented and well-provided for, the people of Larish didn’t have a concern in the world.

But to the Danites, Laish meant something very different.

Remember, the Danites had no inheritance. Unable to take any land from the native inhabitants in Canaan, the Danites had been forced by the Canaanites to move into the rough mountainous country. With no prospect for improving their lot in life, they decided to take what wasn’t theirs. And in Judges 18: 27-29, we find the Danites surprised the unsuspecting people of Laish, and the city was captured and burned to the ground.

Far away from any outside help and feeling safe within their own city, the citizens of Laish were not prepared for the heartless attack of those who were propelled by greed to take what didn’t belong to them.

And I ask you, “Does this scenario sound familiar?” Frankly, this story could have been taken right off the pages of any current newspaper. Unsuspecting victims, who are relying on the protection of the wealth they’ve built for themselves through the years, find all their well-laid plans upended by those motivated by uncontrolled greed that leaves a path of ashes behind. It wasn’t just the Danites who had a scorched earth financial plan. For greed in the hearts of many today, leads to the same abuse of power. This is why Jesus was so definitive in His warning in Luke 12: 15 (N.I.V.) when He said, “Protect yourself against the least bit of greed. Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot.” In the King James Version, this text uses the word “covetousness” in place of greed. A word that is defined as, “the envious desire for that which is another’s.” As Thomas Watson so correctly noted, “The itch of covetousness makes a man (or woman) scratch what he (she) can from another.”

This is what the Danites did. Discontented with their life, they found a weak link where the inhabitants of Laish had become comfortable in the secure and safe little world they had created for themselves. Sitting in an unprotected environment, feeling that nothing could touch them, the citizens of Laish became “sitting ducks” for the hostile attack by the Danites who were prompted by the yearning for more.

As Thomas Manton wrote, “Beware of the beginnings of covetousness, for you know not where it will end.” And in the case of the Danites, their greed led to the destruction of others on the outside and themselves on the inside. In the words of Leonard Wright, “Covetousness is the root of all evil, the ground of all vice.”

“Abundance consists not so much in material possessions, but in an uncovetous spirit.” ~ John Selden

“All possessions of mortals are mortal.” ~ Metrodorus

“You actually possess everything you can see when you close your eyes.” ~ Anonymous

“Lord, you told us that a person’s life does not consist of the things he possesses. Help us not to judge others by what they own. Help us not to want more and more things for ourselves but to spend our lives seeking the true riches that will endure to life everlasting. Amen”
Malcolm L. Playfoot

"Lord, teach us to value our possessions in the right way. Help us never to think more of them than of people. Make us ready to use them freely for the good of others and to share them generously without grudging. Thank you for the beautiful things that we enjoy possessing. May our enjoyment be wholesome and right and may we hold lightly to all we own. For the sake of Jesus Christ, who became poor that we might be eternally rich. Amen.

“Lord, in times of poverty make me perfectly content, and in times of wealth make me generous and liberal.”
John Eddison

Your comments are always welcome.

Pain is a symptom, not the cause

OWS are fighting all the symptoms of an incompetent government. Wall Street is a symptom of the economy, and the economy is the direct result of the governing body's philosophy - the empowered, rule-makers. What they really need to focus on is the real cause of our economic meltdown... the White House and Congress.

When you see how the very people and groups that oppose our democracy and free-market system - capitalism - are supporting the OWS, you can only conclude that they are doing exactly what the anti-Americans want the OWS to do. They want their New World Order and a Global currency! And the only way they can make this happen is if the banks and our currency fail. Put on your thinking caps folks...

Just as pain is a symptom of a health issue, and not the cause... Wall Street is not the cause, but a symptom of incapable and incompetent economic policy.

We need to change the folks who are governing us! And it starts at the top...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Obama's Class Warfare

Obama with his incessant hammering of wealth distribution has divided our nation and created class warfare. Since when do we in America endorse the politics of envy and division?

From religion to our founding fathers to our Constitution, we are taught that coveting others property is wrong. The Constitution guarantees us an equal opportunity, not an equal outcome. We have the right to prosper and keep the fruits of our labors. This was central to the founding father’s vision for this country. We need to get back to that vision.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. ~ Exodus 20:17

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Random Thoughts

Death allows you to experience the importance of your loved ones.
Coming home allows you to experience the chance in you.
Opportunities allow you to define your life, even the ones you miss.