Friday, July 8, 2011

The Casey Anthony - Lizzie Borden Parallel

The Casey Anthony case is reminiscent of the Lizzie Borden case. The murders, subsequent trial, and ensuing trial by media became a cause célèbre. Although Lizzie Borden was acquitted, no one else was ever arrested or tried, and she has remained a notorious figure in American folklore. Dispute over the identity of the killer or killers continues to this day. Several theories have been presented over the years suggesting Lizzie Borden may not have committed the murders. Some say that the evidence points to the boyfriend of Bridget Sullivan, the maid, committing the murders. We will never know to a certainty -- a conclusion that is beyond doubt.
Similarly, the Casey Anthony prosecution team did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt who, how, when, where, or why Caylee died. They provided nothing but speculation and suspicion. Hence, the jury of her peers determined she was not guilty. However, I’m sure that Casey will suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune for the rest of her life as Lizzie Borden did.
I suggest, the general public let justice prevail instead of mob vigilantism. Let’s focus our energies on productive actions such as finding little Kyron Horman or other missing children, and let Caylee rest in peace.

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